Привет всем, раз уж Станислава начала эту тему, скину сюда небольшой репортаж одного американского парня, он посетил один из стриптиз клубов в Паттайе с русскими девушки, и остался мягко сказать не довольный!! Текст на английском, кто силен переводите и выставляйте( мне лень)
One of the places you should avoid when visiting Pattaya - Thailand is the Moulin Rouge bar; if you ask yourself why, this is it:
I've went there because I though they do offer some sort of cabaret, as the Moulin Rouge name suggested, but it happened to be just a low quality, very expensive bar with very rude and unprofessional Russian strippers.
So, went inside and asked for a gin tonic; the gin comes but has no gin an all, I just can't feel it, only a small glass (haven't seen smaller for gin) with a lot of ice and tonic water... and a straw. Also, the change of 80 baht came in coins, so I had no choice but to leave it there.
Maximum 20" after I get the drink comes this blonde Russian whore and puts a leg over me, from the distance, not even trying to get close; I'm feeling like I'm the dirty one here. I've tried to enjoy her "dance" (she was just moving her ass, that's all) but after maximum 10" she told me "Tip, please!"
- So fast? I reply
- Tip, please! she doesn't know anything else.... stupid Russian. I dance for you! she added.
- Fine! I gave her 100 baht because I see she already had 3 more from other suckers. She takes the money and leaves (!?).
Oh, what the hell, I say to myself, let's see the show. But the show is nothing but 3 girls spinning, any of them at her own metal bar; they don't actually dance, not even trying, they just spin, is all they can do. The room (very small) is very dark, can't see well. The girl in the middle has green laser lights above her place, flashing into my eyes. I've already got a headache.
I'm sure not even 20" passed until the blonde bitch left and a brunette comes, the same, she puts a leg over me, staying at half meter distance. Like the other one, she looks like an old model, too old for modelling but still good enough for porn movies and dark places like this. This one just comes, she puts her leg over me, then she said:
- Give me tip! (if you can imagine.
- For what? I've asked.
- Give me tip! she she said louder now; I doubt she speaks English, but I say, anyway:
- I don't give a tip every minute. .. suddenly she speaks English:
- But I dance for you, you must give me tip. (must, hear her)
- No, thanks! I've seen how you're dancing. I prefer to watch the spinning girls. She makes a "you're a nothing" gesture with her hands and leaves. At that point I just feel like I want to throw my tonic at her, but can see clear inside... they're some people in a dark corner, I'm afraid they're a bunch of Russian

So, anyway, I've just throw my face tissue inside the glass and left. The Thai men at the door looked at me like approving, like he knew this will happen and he agreed with me.
I left nervous and went outside on Walking Street - full of bar and gogo's, a lot of very beautiful, funny and warm Thai girls willing to dance for me if I just buy them drinks or sometimes just for their own pleasure and fun; I can only guess the Moulin Rouge is used by Russians to wash money and, why not, to rip a suckers like me, because:
1. Can't imagine they make money to keep that place running, without extra funds;
2. Russian restaurants in Pattaya have also high prices and no clients, but money must come from somewhere to maintain them;
3. Was thinking about those Russian furs stores in Athens they keep, with no customers at all, selling furs at 40' Celsius, in the summer;
Anyway, sticking to the story, just avoid the Moulin Rouge in Pattaya - I've spend there almost 10 Euros in 2 minutes and had no fun, by the contrary.